Saturday 5 January 2013

Is Human is a computer

Is Human is a computer

Human is like a computer or computer is like human. Human execute one instruction at a time which is similar to computer human also have a full fledge operating system with multithreading.  As we know we do one action at a time but also keep track of other actions on the same time. for example when I am setting free in IDLE state I still keep track of other processes that are running in background (Thinking about some things)
A Question arise here that who is our user and who is the person who execute the processes and who is then developer /Programmer of the process. We all know and believe in our destiny than what is it ,it is the Script which is programmed to be executed on us ,there are too many if/Else statement which change and redirect our each action to our current state each If/Else result for the next move, Similarly there are looping we try to change our life status but we fail we try again but fail once our condition matches we step-up. Luck in our life is like to goto which take us directly to the next stage of our interest
Now as we See shutdown in computer where is it in life, that is Anastasia/Dead the both starts only when the user wants the anesthesia is removed by his making us hibernate but once he shutdown no one know when will he start again. The Sleep mode is the mode of sleeping by any touch we starts when there are the huge number of processes running we can’t go to sleep and Hanged Up
So human is totally a machine and Doing that which are programmed